We just ran into a situation where a seller was losing their home due to not paying property taxes in Greensboro.
This was a fire drill !
Seller contacted us via our website and put in their contact info, and wanted us to contact them asap.
Here’s the kicker:
It was a Friday. And they were losing their home that day 🙁
That day was the last day to redeem their back taxes and keep their property. So, if we paid back the taxes by end of day, we would be ok. But if we waited until Monday, they would lose the property 🙁
We had a conversation on what it would take for the seller to be happy with a sales price, factored in the back taxes due and repairs, and then timeframe for them to be out of the property.
And we sprang into action.. .This was luckily 8 am. So we had all day at least.
Because it was the last day, the county was not accepting payments online. Just cashiers checks or cash at the county building, which makes it more difficult to coordinate during a pandemic where the hours and staff are not as they typically are.
We called the county first, just to see if we could extend a couple weeks the due date. We thought, since its during a pandemic, maybe there are additional considerations with timeframe.
Turns out, it all ready was extended and this was the last day to redeem the taxes.
The seller did not want to lose the property. Worst past was that there was no loan on the property. It was free and clear. So, if the owner lost the property, they would lose out on all that equity.
We went to the bank, got the cashiers check and just made it in the nick of time to the county building. We dropped off the check by 4pm and saved the property!
Seller was happy. We made a great deal, and the county was happy, because they got tax revenue that they really need as well. Win/win/win.
Looking back, I wish the seller would have inquired earlier to give us all time to coordinate this. But we made it work.
If you are behind on your taxes, please contact us as early as you can so we can see what we need to do to make it a win/win.
Inquire to the right, input your info and we will get back to you.